Sony announced the new weird named Xperia 1 II earlier this year at MWC 2020. The handset never hit Indian shores but got a limited release. Now the company is all set to launch the successor with Xperia 1 III later next year. Ahead of the 2021 launch we now got the early specs of the new Xperia 1 III revealed.
As per the source, Sony is planning to introduce a much brighter display on the new Xperia 1 III. Yes, this time the Xperia 1 III will ship 15% higher brighter display than the predecessor. Not just that, the Xperia 1 III will also get wider aperture selfie camera that will further improve the camera performance.
Sadly, the camera resolution and size will remain the same as Xperia 1 II. Apart from this nothing much about the Xperia 1 III is revealed. We are still left with lot more time to explore the new Xperia 1 III as it will not launch earlier than mid-2021.