Huawei confirmed the rumors about working on foldable smartphone earlier this month. Huawei also announced that they will launch the first 5G foldable smartphone by Feb 2019 at MWC. Now we have a few more leaks which suggest the first foldable 5G smartphone will hit South Korea first.
As per the company insider, Huawei is planning to introduce the first 5G foldable smartphone only for Korea is due to 5G will go live in the country by the first half of 2019. Further, the insider said that “We can not disclose specific designs, specifications, usage patterns, etc., but it was more complete than expected.”
The insider also revealed that Huawei is planning to introduce the foldable smartphone in Korea by June 2019. Anyway, further the reports claim that Huawei foldable 5G smartphone to feature larger display size than Samsung foldable smartphone with 5 inches when folded and doubles up as an 8-inch display when unfolded.