Non-Apple users are excluded from group chats with green text bubbles due to the lack of compatibility between Apple’s iMessage and RCS-compatible messaging apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Google Messages. With its new messaging app Nothing Chats, Nothing now offers its users a solution.
With Nothing Chats, you can enjoy iMessage compatibility including the coveted green bubble messaging, full group chat support, live typing indicators, media sharing with full resolution, and voice notes. As of now, read receipts, message reactions, and replies are not available.
From November 17, Nothing Chats will be available exclusively on the Google Play Store for Nothing Phone (2) users. Using Sunbird’s patented process, users create and validate an Apple ID on an Apple device, then log on to the Nothing Chats app using their Apple ID. To send and receive iMessage-compatible texts and media, Nothing Chats uses Sunbird’s undisclosed number of Mac mini computers across Europe and North America.
Sunbird and Nothing cannot access your messages or shared files through Nothing Chats because all messages are encrypted. At launch, Nothing Chats will be exclusive to Nothing Phone (2) users in the US, Canada, UK, and EU.