
An upcoming Xiaomi phone featuring a pop-up front camera has been revealed in a leak from tipster FixedFocus. Although not entirely new, this intriguing design aspect represents a renewed trend in the smartphone industry. With the Vivo NEX, the pop-up camera was launched in 2018 as a solution to the problem of incorporating a front camera without compromising on-screen space.

Unlike previous pop-up front camera models, Xiaomi’s implementation is based on their “Hidden Electronic Device and Hidden Camera” patent, which promises less space occupation. Unlike earlier models, this new design eliminates some of the shortcomings associated with weight and size increases.

According to the patent granted by the National Intellectual Property Administration, a housing, camera module, and retractable reflective component are included. As images are reflected on the camera module for imaging, the reflective component protects the camera module, reduces space usage, and improves pixel quality.

Many brands now prefer under-screen cameras or hole-punch cameras for a sleeker appearance over pop-up cameras over the past few years. Huawei’s Mate60 series is rumored to follow a similar path to Apple’s iPhone 14 Pro series. It demonstrates Xiaomi’s ability to innovate and the resilience of the pop-up camera design.