With Samsung debuting with new F-series phone in India with Galaxy F41. The Galaxy F41 was exclusive to Flipkart and was nothing but Galaxy M31. Now the company is on roll with the next F-series smartphone launch in India soon. Yes, Samsung is all set to expand its F-series lineup.

Samsung Galaxy F41

As per the source, Samsung is currently working on cheaper F-series smartphone. The source has spotted the device with model number SM-F127G which is likely to be called as Galaxy F12s or simply Galaxy F12. Apart from the model number nothing much about the new Galaxy F12 is revealed.

We are still not sure whether the Galaxy F12 or F12s will be rebranded smartphone or completely new phone at the moment. We have to wait for a few more days to know more about the next smartphone from Samsung. Anyway, we can make a guess that alleged Galaxy F12 will be much cheaper than Galaxy F41.
