In October of the previous year, Qualcomm introduced the Snapdragon 8 Elite, an octa-core SoC that has since been featured in several flagship smartphones from top brands like Realme and OnePlus. Recently, Qualcomm quietly launched a new seven-core version of this chipset, maintaining the same clock speeds as the original Snapdragon 8 Elite.
It is anticipated that smartphone manufacturers will start incorporating this new seven-core variant in their upcoming models. The chipset, listed under the part number SM8750-3-AB, is configured with two Prime cores at up to 4.32 GHz and five Performance cores at up to 3.53 GHz, reducing one Performance core from the standard model.
The original Snapdragon 8 Elite (part number SM8750-AB), launched last October, features eight CPU cores: two Prime cores and six Performance cores, both sets operating at the same frequencies as the new variant. The rest of the specifications for the new seven-core variant remain consistent with the eight-core version, indicating that it might be a binned iteration of the Snapdragon 8 Elite. This new chipset also utilizes a 3-nanometer fabrication process and includes Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X80 5G Modem-RF system.
Additionally, Qualcomm is reportedly developing a Snapdragon 8s Elite SoC, which is expected to be a scaled-down version of the flagship Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC. This new SoC would follow last year’s Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 SoC, aligning with reports of Qualcomm’s ongoing updates to its chipset lineup.