Recent leaks have surfaced, confirming earlier speculations that Google is developing Gemini extensions for deeper integration with Samsung’s native apps on Galaxy devices. Chun Bhai shared the leak via screenshots on X and details the functionalities of the Gemini extensions designed for the Samsung Calendar, Notes, and Reminder apps.

The screenshots show that the Samsung Calendar extension will enable users to create, edit, and delete events, capture event information from images, list events within a specified date range, and set up recurring events using voice commands. However, it will not allow users to share events or check for overlapping events.

In the Samsung Notes extension, users can request Gemini to create and summarize notes and retrieve notes by description or title. However, this extension does not support the creation or deletion of folders, the addition of note tags, or invitations to shared notes.

For reminders, the Samsung Reminder extension facilitates the creation, editing, and deletion of reminders. It allows users to specify or modify the time and date and search for reminders by name, time, or date. However, it lacks features for adding locations or photos to reminders, including checklists or modifying categories.

Additionally, Google is enhancing a Samsung Clock extension that will manage alarms—creating, finding, updating, and deleting them—as well as controlling the stopwatch and timer functionalities. These Gemini extensions are expected to launch with the Galaxy S25 series after next week’s Galaxy Unpacked event and will be available on older Galaxy models as we