With a massive 7,000mAh battery, Realme recently unveiled the Realme Neo 7. Many other brands are expected to release phones with 7,000mAh batteries in 2025, including iQOO, OnePlus, and Redmi. Digital Chat Station, a tipster on Weibo, posted a new post about an upcoming iQOO phone with a 7,000mAh battery. In 2025, iQOO Z10 Turbo is expected to launch.

iQOO’s forthcoming smartphone will use Qualcomm’s yet-to-be-announced SM8735 chip, according to the leak. It is likely that this chip will be known as the Snapdragon 8s Elite. As the iQOO Z9 Turbo featured a Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chip, the upcoming iQOO phone with the Snapdragon 8s Elite chip could be the iQOO Z10 Turbo.

According to the leak, the Z10 Turbo will feature an OLED display with 1.5K resolution and a 144Hz refresh rate along with a dual camera setup with a 50-megapixel main sensor. Also, it will support fast charging up to 80W or 90W. The single-cell silicon battery exceeds 7000 mAh and promises exceptional battery life.

It is also reported that Redmi is developing the Redmi Turbo 4 Pro, equipped with the Snapdragon 8s Elite chipset. This device may be rebranded as the Poco F7 in the global market.