The Realme 14x 5G smartphone will launch in India on December 18. Realme India’s e-store and Flipkart will sell the device. On December 18, Realme 14x 5G will launch at 12 pm and go on sale. With IP69 dust and water resistance, it is India’s only smartphone in the sub-Rs 15,000 segment.
According to Realme, users can safely drop the phone in water or use it while showering. With unmatched dust and water protection, the device can even withstand spills of hot water up to 85°C.
Under different angles of sunlight, the diamond-inspired design of the device will reflect the lustre of crystals and gems. It will be available in Golden Glow, Jewel Red, and Crystal Black colours. Previous teasers confirmed a 50MP primary camera with AI capabilities. There will be a dual camera setup on the rear along with an LED flash. According to reports, the device will come with RAM and storage configurations of 6GB+128GB, 8GB+128GB, and 8GB+256GB.
In China, Realme recently launched the Realme V60 Pro, which will be rebranded as the Realme 14x 5G.