In India, Realme has excitedly teased the launch of a new mid-range series of smartphones. New image posters have recently revealed some of the specs of the Realme 14 Pro series, including its camera and chipset.
It was rumoured that Realme 14 Pro would launch in January 2025, but it might launch even sooner. In a teaser on social media, the Indian division of the company announced a “coming soon” series with Snapdragon 7s Gen 3, periscope cameras, and AI Ultra Clarity 2.0. The teasers have officially confirmed the inclusion of features for a periscope telephoto shooter.
The slogan says “two generations ahead” due to the chip’s advancement and the camera’s performance. There will be a “significant performance advantage” with the phones, likely a Pro and Pro+.
The AI Ultra Clarity feature improves old, grainy photos and also enhances low-resolution photos. The OIS is also assisted by AI-based image stabilization for improved results.
Since Realme is attempting to launch the phones faster to compete with Xiaomi’s newly launched Redmi Note 14 Pro phones, all details about the phones should be revealed in the following weeks.