Samsung has launched its first smart ring in India after pre-reservations. The Galaxy Ring is available in 9 different sizes, ranging from Size 5 to Size 13.

The Samsung Galaxy Ring is available in three colours: black, silver, and gold. It is available in sizes 5-13, all made of titanium alloy grade 5. The ring is concave at the sides and tapered at the centre. A layer of epoxy resin hides all of the health-tracking sensors, batteries, and charging pins.

Galaxy Ring is IP68 rated and 10ATM waterproof, so you can wear it in all weather conditions and even while swimming. Galaxy Rings range in size from 7.0 x 2.6 mm for size 5 to 3 x 3 mm for size 13.

With each Galaxy Ring order, Samsung will ship a free sizing kit, which you should wear for at least 24 hours before making a final decision. It is also possible to try on the different-sized rings at Samsung retail stores and choose the one that is right for you.

Samsung Galaxy Ring will only be compatible with Android 11 or later phones running Bluetooth LE 5.4. Additionally, you’ll need a Samsung account and the Samsung Health app, but no additional subscriptions are required.

Galaxy Rings (sizes 5-7) feature 17 mAh battery cells that can last up to six days between charges. Batteries in sizes 8-11 are 18 mAh and are rated for 6 days of use. Batteries in sizes 12 and 13 are 22.5 mAh and are rated for 7 days of use.


The Galaxy Ring is also capable of supporting pinch gestures. With the ring, you can pinch your thumbs and index fingers to take photos or dismiss alarms on your Galaxy smartphone. Samsung Find is also compatible with it, and its built-in LED lights can flash when it’s misplaced.

Using its optical PPG sensor, Samsung’s Galaxy Ring tracks a variety of health metrics, including heart rate and skin temperature. Thanks to its low-profile design, Samsung is also betting big on sleep tracking with the Galaxy Ring. With the Galaxy Ring, you can track your sleep with an active sleep score with snoring analysis and additional metrics such as movement during sleep, sleep latency, heart rate, and respiration rate.

The app also detects and alerts you when you’re working out automatically and monitors your heart rate in real-time. A combined daily score out of 100 takes into account your activity and sleep scores.

Galaxy Ring has a nifty charging case similar to wireless earbuds. The smaller ring sizes should be able to receive up to 20 full recharges from its 361 mAh battery.


The Samsung Galaxy Ring comes in Titanium Black, Titanium Silver and Titanium Gold colours. It is priced at Rs.38,999/- in India and will be available via select retail stores, and

The Galaxy Ring can be sized by customers before purchase if they are unsure about the best fit. The size must be added within 14 days of receiving the Sizing Kit in the ‘My Order’ page. Your order will be automatically canceled if the size has not been updated after 14 days.