Redmi will unveil two new tablets in India on July 29. In China, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 2-powered Redmi Pad Pro 5G has already been launched. Redmi Pad SE 4G is the other. Xiaomi India’s website has landing pages for both models. Sudhanshu Ambhore recently leaked the Pad SE’s key specifications. The tipster has now released a new tweet that sheds more light on the device.
Redmi Pad SE 4G:
Xiaomi’s new Redmi Pad SE 4G comes with an 8.7-inch LCD panel that supports 1340 × 800 pixels and offers a refresh rate of 90Hz. It features a brightness of 400 nits and a 10-bit colour depth. Additionally, the screen has a contrast ratio of 1500:1, 10-bit colours, DC dimming, low blue light certification from TUV Rheinland, and flicker-free operation.
It is powered by the Helio G85 SoC coupled with 4GB RAM and 64GB/128 GB of UFS 2.2 flash memory. There is an 8MP camera on the back with autofocus & 5MP selfie shooter.
Upon launch, the 4GB+128GB Wi-Fi is expected to cost EUR 169 (Rs.15,500/-).