For the Chinese market, Oppo is working on the Find X8 series of smartphones. The Find X8 and X8 Pro are expected to debut in October with the Dimensity 9400. It is expected that the Find X8 Ultra, which may be equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 chip and two-way satellite communication capability, will be unveiled in Q1 2025.

Oppo Find series product manager, Zhou Yibao, released a video on Weibo today answering many interesting questions he had asked the product manager and structural engineer of the Find X8 Ultra.

According to the structural engineers, the Find X8 Ultra will be thinner than the Find X7 Ultra, which has a thickness of 9.5mm. Furthermore, the protrusion of the camera module will be smaller than on the Find X7 Ultra.

While the battery capacity will likely be less than 6,000mAh, it will be larger than the 5,000mAh battery of the Find X7 Ultra. The Find X8 series will also feature an IP68 rating and a pure glass body, possibly with AG matte glass, providing a premium experience.