Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 8s Gen 3 chipset in March, a toned-down version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chip introduced in October 2023. Xiaomi Civi 4 Pro, Redmi Turbo 3, and iQOO Z9 Turbo have already launched in China with the 8s Gen 3 chip. According to reports, the Realme GT Neo 6 will be the next Chinese phone to feature the 8s Gen 3 chip.
In its upcoming Realme GT Neo 6, the phone features a super-fast charging solution of more than 100 watts, according to reliable leaker Digital Chat Station. A large battery and fast charging of over 100W are likely to appeal to many users, according to him.
With its 4,700mAh battery and 67W fast charging support, the Civi 4 Pro is equipped with a larger battery than the Redmi Turbo 3, which packs 5,000mAh and 90W capability. China’s 3C authority recently approved a Realme phone with the RMX3852 model number. It was spotted with a 121W fast charger.
There are rumors that the Realme GT Neo6 will be very similar to the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3-powered GT Neo6 SE, which was recently unveiled in China. So, the GT Neo6 may feature a 5,500mAh battery and 121W fast charging support.