Samsung is ditching the Watch7 Pro rumors and launching a brand new smartwatch called the Galaxy Watch Ultra instead. One thing we can say for sure is that Samsung will indeed introduce a brand new smartwatch called the Galaxy Watch Ultra with the next generation Watch 7 series.
The battery size of the Galaxy Watch7 Pro had previously been revealed. Samsung might introduce the Watch Ultra instead of the Watch7 Pro, according to our database. Three new watches are expected from Samsung: the Watch7, Watch7 Classic, and Watch Ultra.
We noticed that One UI Beta tests had begun for the Galaxy Watch Ultra a few days after spotting it. Samsung has developed eight One UI Beta test builds. So, the Watch Ultra won’t be unveiled, as claimed.
At first, the Watch Ultra was believed to be the Watch7 Pro. As a result of our database, we have discovered that the Watch7 Pro won’t be introduced. For the first time, Samsung will announce a smartwatch under the Watch Ultra name.
One UI Beta build L705FXXU0AXD8 is the last internal build. Watch Ultra model number L705F. U represents new features, bug fixes, and many more important improvements in the One UI Beta build. Before releasing the smartwatch to the public, Samsung is going through important testing phases. In this case, “A” refers to the first One UI version and “XD” refers to when the beta build was tested. The X represents 2024, and the D represents April. In April 2024, eight beta builds of the Galaxy Watch Ultra were tested.
The Galaxy Watch Ultra is predicted to have three distinct model numbers (SM-L705U, SM-L705N, and SM-L705F). They represent the US, Korea, and Global models. Watch Ultra will be launched in several regions.