The Samsung Galaxy M34 5G smartphone was launched in India in July. Galaxy M34 5G features a 6.5-inch AMOLED display and a 50MP triple-camera setup. The Galaxy M44 appears to be the successor to the M34 5G. Samsung has yet to reveal the launch date of the device, but an image shared by tipster Anthony on X (formerly Twitter) reveals its first look.
According to the leaked image, the Galaxy M44 will have the same design as the Galaxy M34 5G. There will be a triple-camera setup on the back, along with an LED flash. Last month, the smartphone was spotted at NRRA Korea certification. According to the listing, the device’s model number is SM-M446K.
Geekbench also spotted the handset back in July, aside from NRRA certification. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 888 SoC will power the smartphone, based on the benchmark listing. There is a possibility that the smartphone will pack up to 6GB of RAM. It is expected that the handset will come with Android 13 pre-installed.
It is not yet known when the device will launch. The smartphone will be available in India, Korea, and a few other countries in the near future. It will succeed Samsung’s Galaxy M34 5G, as stated above.