Xiaomi announced the massive number of Redmi Note 11 series devices in India and the Global regions earlier in March. Now the company has plans to introduce the successor to the Redmi Note 11 series with the new Redmi Note 12 series in China.
As per the post by Redmi CEO Lu Weibing shared details about the upcoming Redmi Note 12 series launching soon in China. Further, the Weibo post also revealed that Redmi Note 12 series will provide a major performance jump from its predecessor.
The post also mentioned that in 2021 the company introduced two new Redmi Note series devices. The Redmi Note 10 series was launched in H1 of 2021. The Redmi Note 11 series in H2 of 2021.
The new Redmi Note 10 series is a performance powerhouse for those who need powerful smartphones. The Redmi Note 11 series targeted a fashionable and camera-focused audience.
The company will now follow the same strategy this year & introduce two new Redmi Note series devices. Yes, the performance-focused new Redmi Note 12 by H1 of 2022 & the fashionable Redmi Note 13 series by H2 of 2022 in China.
So we can expect the Redmi Note 112 series to launch later this month or by early June in China.