As per reports, the official launch of Xiaomi MIX 4 will be in August. The MIX 4 will be the first machine to feature the under-screen camera mass production system of Xiaomi. Additionally, it will come equipped with Qualcomm’s latest Snapdragon 808 Plus chip.
It is crucial to know that the cost of Xiaomi MIX 4 will rise thanks to the benefits of several leading technology. In reality, it will be more expensive than the most expensive price ever set by Xiaomi in its history.
A few days ago, A blogger has shared the pricing information for Xiaomi MIX 4. The price of the machine’s initial purchase is a minimum of 5,999 Yuan(Rs.69,100/-). This is higher than the Xiaomi 11 Ultra and is now the highest-priced Xiaomi model to this point.
The popular blogger @iBing Yu Zhou also revealed the transparent images of Xiaomi MIX 4. The images prove that the Xiaomi MIX 4 is the real deal. Xiaomi MIX 4 retains the square-shaped body design from the previous MIX series but has launched the standard model of its flagship. The screen is curvilinear in design, and the borders around it are extremely narrow. The impact on the front of the screen with a curved design is extremely robust.
As per the supply chain, according to the supply chain, Xiaomi Mi MIX 4 will feature a custom screen panel developed by Huaxing Optoelectronics. It comes with the latest generation of cameras that under-screen to make a full-screen display and provides a balanced combination of image quality and the effect of a screen window.
The screen of the computer cannot support 1080P resolution. The most powerful Snapdragon 888 Plus will be employed for configuration. However, the Xiaomi Mi MIX 4 will be used to configure. Additionally, the battery will be huge at 5500mAh.
This will enable rapid charging technology to make a comeback. It is able to charge as high as 120W wirelessly fast and wireless charging is more exciting. Wireless charging power could be as high as 80W by the time the new policy goes into effect. It is the top technology in the market.