Samsung launched the new Galaxy Note20 series and announced to support the same for three major Android updates. Now the company has expanded the device list to some Galaxy S-series and A-series devices too. Yes, Samsung has finally revealed the list of devices that will get confirmed three long years of Android updates.
As per the post, Samsung will push nearly three major updates starting from this year launches. This means if the Galaxy S20 series that launched with Android 10 OS will get a first major update with Android 11 and continue to receive the next two major updates in the future. This is the major move by Samsung which helps users to rely on the brand devices for at least three years.
Anyway, the list of devices includes starting from Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20+ & Galaxy S20 Ultra, Galaxy S10e, Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10+, Galaxy S10 Lite, and upcoming Galaxy S-series smartphones. Further, the Note lineup includes Galaxy Note20, Galaxy Note20 Ultra, Galaxy Note10, Galaxy Note10+, Galaxy Note10 Lite including the 5G variants and upcoming Note-series devices.
The premium foldable lineup includes Galaxy Fold, Galaxy Z Flip, Galaxy Z Flip 5G, & Galaxy Z Fold2. Lastly, Samsung will also provide three years of Android updates to mid-range Galaxy-A series devices too which includes Galaxy A51, Galaxy A51 5G, Galaxy A71, Galaxy A71 5G, & Galaxy A90 5G.
The company also promised to support for flagship Tab S-series with Galaxy Tab S7, Galaxy Tab S7+, Galaxy Tab S6, Galaxy Tab S6 Lite & 5G variants too.