Earlier Oppo launched their latest flagship with Oppo Find X Lambhorgini Edition which came with world’s fastest charging tech the VOOC charging which can charge the device with 3750 mAh battery from 0-100% in just 35 minutes. Today we have spotted a new quick charger made by Huawei.
As per the 3C listing, the upcoming Huawei fast charger was listed as HW-100400C00 which is having an output rating of 10V at 4Amps which translates to the overall 40W charger which can charge the device faster than the Oppo VOOC charging tech.
As per the source, the Huawei fast charger might be called as Huawei Power adapter which is developed by Astec Electronics. We can expect the new Huawei fast charger might launch with Huawei Mate 20 series later this year.