Oppo Vivo

Oppo and Vivo the most marketed smartphone brand has now reduced the sales margins from 23 to 24% to 14 to 15% for large chains and for small chains down from 15-16% to 5-6%  in India as per a report by Economics Times.This move has made nearly 10,000 offline retailers stop selling the Oppo and Vivo smartphones in India.

The most popular and large chain smartphone retailer in South India Sangeetha has already stopped selling both Oppo and Vivo smartphones in Tamilnadu and might even stop selling the devices soon in other states too.

Oppo spokesperson mentioned that the move is considered to market more mid-range and high-end devices and also mentioned that due to GST they have lost many outlets.Vivo has declined the reports claiming the reduction stores and is planning to launch some more stores by end of 2018.

As per some executive from retailer said that the move has taken due to reduced investment by both the companies.Many researchers claim both Oppo and Vivo will lose a lot of customers due to a reduction in investments.
