Micromax launches the latest smartphone under budget segment with Micromax Canvas Infinity in India. The speciality of the phone is it has a bezel-less display similar to LG Q6 named as Full Vision Display.The Micromax Canvas Infinity is priced at Rs.9999/- and will go on sale starting from Sept 1, 2017, via Amazon and also Offline stores.The device will go via flash sale so registration for the first sale is live now on Amazon website.The launch offers include free extra 30GB 4G data for Reliance Jio users, get additional Rs.250 cash back if you buy using Amazon Pay, also get top 5 Kindle bestseller worth Rs.375 for free and also you will get 24-hour service promise which means will get the device repaired within 24 hours or you will get new device as replacement.

Micromax Canvas Infinity is completely built of metal and has similar design what we find on any device in this price range. The major difference between the Micromax Canvas Infinity and all other device is the all new bezel-less display.At the front, there is a front-facing camera, sensor and earpiece at top of the display.There is nothing below the display, there are on-screen navigation buttons.At the back, we can find the single camera with LED flash and rear mounted fingerprint scanner below it.There are antenna bands running on top and bottom with speaker mesh at the rear of the device.There is 3.5 mm audio port on top of the device at the bottom we can find the micro USB port.

Micromax Canvas Infinity comes with 5.7 inches with a resolution of 720 x 1440p HD Full Vision Display with 2.5D glass on top.The display is having an aspect ratio of 18:9. we already saw such type of display on Samsung Galaxy S8, LG G6 and recently launched LG Q6.The Micromax Canvas Infinity too has similar display one found on LG Q6.

Micromax Canvas Infinity is now powered by SD425 chip clocked at 1.4 GHz coupled with 3GB RAM and 32GB onboard storage which can be expanded via microSD card slot.It is having a 13MP rear camera with an aperture of f/2.0 and 16MP selfie camera with an aperture of f/2.2.

The connectivity option includes Dual SIM 4G VoLTE, Wifi, A-GPS, Bluetooth 4.0 and OTG support.The device is running Android N out of the box and as per Micromax, the device will get Android O update in coming months.All this is fueled with lower 2,900 mAh battery.

Would you buy this Micromax Canvas Infinity over LG Q6? leave your thoughts in the comment section below. As per specs is concerned it is having almost the same specs as LG Q6.
